Saturday, November 7, 2009

~2nd Sem~'s been so long since i talk about myself and the things happening...well...alot things happened actually, well...not all good things and not all bad college...alot of just's f*cking work until didn't sleep at all...almost die the next day...and i get sick easily if not enough rest...test coming soon, final project also need to progress liao...what the hell..time move damn fast, i feel like just starting the 2nd semester and now this.....

my love life is dead, waiting for it to be revived....haha...when there's love...there's always pain....what is love actually? hmmm...maybe now concentrate more on study lo.....Hope everyone can achieve their happiness....and cheer up those who are heartbroken....
Long distance relationship doesn't last? both of my good friends are now single...about 1-2 i'm not really sure about this....never have a long distance relationship before....

hmm...this semester quite games with housemates, go out have fun...the thing is i'm getting low on budget...using more and more...but not all on food....mostly on damn expensive, masking tape rm2.30.....use 2 weeks need buy new one...omg...and gouache colour rm25.....graphic pen mecha pen....rm20...charcoal pen rm11........i want to buy but don't have the money to buy...haha...

Yesterday i'm so pissed...there's this f*cker...walao...act so cool...then take my newsprint paper which i leave on the table beside everything he owned it....he tear out a piece and walk away....this is not even his own rude for what? where's his manner? cannot ask people? Rich guy can be rude? man...i was so damn angry that time....a TRUE geNuiNe MotHerFucking dicKLess Brainless ShitHead basTaRd DOG!

>SORRY FOR THE FOUL LANGUAGES, i just want to express my feelings out...and say he's a dog...=P<

I miss my hometown....haih...everytime stressed or got some bad things happened...i want to go home....miss my friends and family.....but...everyone very busy with their lives lor....everyone walking their own path of their future...missing everyone....

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